Currently under construction
ODOT is upgrading the Abernethy Bridge, which spans the Willamette River between Oregon City and West Linn, to withstand a major earthquake and widening it to accommodate a future third travel lane. Additional improvements are being made to the bridge's adjacent on- and off-ramps to improve safety. This work is expected to be completed in 2026.
Project details
Earthquake-ready Abernethy Bridge
The project will upgrade the Abernethy Bridge to withstand a major earthquake. Once complete, the Abernethy Bridge will be the first earthquake-ready interstate bridge across the Willamette River in the Portland metropolitan area.
OR 43 and OR 99E interchange improvements
A new roundabout connecting OR 43 with northbound I-205 was completed on time in August 2023. The roundabout replaced an elevated on-ramp that will be demolished. The roundabout is improving peak hour speeds on northbound I-205, reducing localized congestion and improving safety.
Realign or widen OR 99E on- and off-ramps.
Walking and biking improvements
New pedestrian and bicycle facilities around OR 43 and OR 99E to increase comfort for people walking, biking or rolling in these areas.
Sound walls
A sound wall is planned near the southbound lanes of I-205 at Exit 9, as determined by a vote among eligible residents and property owners.
Project improvements
The Abernethy Bridge construction project is ODOT's largest highway construction project in over 45 years. When completed, the Abernethy Bridge will be the first earthquake-ready interstate bridge across the Willamette River in the Portland area.