Interchange improvements
OR 43 interchange
The new roundabout connecting OR 43 with northbound I-205 opened on time in August 2023.
Since completion, average peak hour speeds on northbound I-205 in the area have increased and local congestion has decreased.
The elevated on-ramp that previously connected these two roads is closed and will be demolished.
Please review this video and factsheet to learn how roundabouts speed traffic flow and enhance safety.
OR 99E improvements
Realigning or widening the on-and-off ramps at OR 99E.
A new multi-use path and a 6-foot-wide sidewalk connection with a new crossing on Clackamette Drive.
A new 8-foot-wide sidewalk connection between ramp terminals on OR 99E.
Improved connections with other area trails and paths.
Additional interchange improvements
A new multi-use path along the riverside of OR 43 from the I-205 southbound exit ramp to the intersection with Willamette Falls Drive.
A new rapid flashing beacon and crosswalk to support people walking and bicycling across OR 43 to access Willamette Falls Drive and West A Street.
Image of roundabout connecting OR 43 and northbound I-205.
Image of work area near OR 99E ramps.