Enhancing Accessibility as part of the I-205 Abernethy Bridge Project
The I-205 Abernethy Bridge Project is rooted in improving safety for all users. In the past, we have highlighted how the new roundabout is enhancing safety, along with the project’s incredible engineering feats that will allow the completed structure to survive a Cascadia-level earthquake. This month, we’re exploring how the completed project will improve safety for people who walk, bike and roll within the project area.
When work is finished, sidewalk ramps near the bridge will be compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, and gaps will be closed that currently limit sidewalk use. These are just two of the critical changes we’re making to improve the overall pedestrian environment.
Constructing these improvements requires innovative design and construction solutions. Project engineers are facing areas where the terrain makes it difficult to achieve the gradual slopes the ADA requires. Construction underway is disrupting access to the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure within the project area, but the result will be increased accessibility and safety for everyone.
Below we describe some of the specific changes that will occur:
Image of OR 99E and I-205 where there will be future improvements for people walking, biking and rolling.
Changes around OR 99E:
Reconstructing six curb ramps to ensure ADA compliance.
Introducing a new pedestrian crossing from Jon Storm Park to the east side of Clackamette Drive.
Widening and realigning multi-use paths on Clackamette Drive that will result in greater traffic separation.
Additional sidewalks to enhance pedestrian connectivity with the local multi-use path.
Changes around OR 43:
Reconstructing curb ramps at all four corners where the sidewalk interfaces with the entrances to southbound I-205.
Installing pedestrian islands for safer crossings where OR 43 intersects with Willamette Falls Drive. These will improve safety by reducing the distance pedestrians need to travel before finding a safe refuge.
Introducing a new button-activated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) crossing at Willamette Falls Drive.
Implementing two new signalized road crossings for improved visibility at the southbound intersection of Willamette Falls Drive and OR 43.
New bike lane near Willamette Falls Drive and southbound OR 43.
Widening the multi-use path to increase separation from vehicles near the roundabout.
Additionally, more lighting will be installed on the underside of the Abernethy Bridge on the OR 43 and OR 99E sides to improve visibility and safety.
We appreciate everyone’s patience during construction. When this project is completed, not only will we have an earthquake-ready bridge and safety improvements for drivers, but we will also have a safer, accessible and better-connected system for people walking, biking and rolling in the area.