I-205 Improvements Project brings community enhancements
The overall project is intended to reduce congestion and crashes, while also making travel times shorter and more predictable. Project improvements will also allow I-205 to remain open and passable following a major earthquake.
We are constructing the project in phases. The first phase is set to begin late this spring and includes:
Earthquake-ready improvements to the Abernethy Bridge.
Removing the current I-205 northbound on-ramp from OR 43 and replacing it with a roundabout.
Realigning or widening the on- and off-ramps at OR 99E.
Improvements for people who walk and bike on OR 43, Clackamette Drive and OR 99E.
A sound wall near the southbound lanes of I-205 at exit 9.
Widening I-205 in the project area to allow a third travel lane in each direction, which will be completed in a future phase.
Before construction gets underway, the project will host a variety of in-person and virtual public events to meet the contractor and learn more about the improvements and construction impacts. We encourage you to sign up to receive emails and text messages to receive event notifications and up-to-date traffic impacts once work begins or visit our website at www.i205corridor.org